About Us:
Noida Tyagi Sabha is the representative organization of Tyagi Brahman Samaj in District Noida ie Gautam Budh Nagar comprising of cities of Noida,Greater Noida and rural area having 12 villages ( Sultanpur, Gejha, Bhangel, Kulesra, Roja, Yakubpur, Jaunchana, Maksoodpur, Utravali, Myana, Bhunna Taga, Chachura, Kalupura, Akalpur & Bhikanpur ) of Tyagi community
Noida Tyagi Sabha ( Regd) is registered under Societies Registration Act and operates through it's elected Executive Body comprising of President, General Secretary, Treasurer, 2 Vice Presidents and other office bearers as per the bylaws of Noida Tyagi Sabha having registered office in Noida.
We, The Tyagi Brahman Samaj of India, mainly located in North Indian states of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan has been the earliest rulers and landlords of India with a legacy of seven Brahmarshis of Vedic era including Maharshi Gautam who introduced agriculture in India and Rishi Parashar who compiled first compendium of agriculture / Botany ie Padap Sanhita. Maharshi Parashuram being the inspiration and leading diety of our community, Maharshi Bhardwaj, Maharshi Vishwamitra, Maharshi Atri, Maharshi Vashishtha, Maharshi Bhrigu and Maharshi Kashyap are the great Brahmarshis along with Mahrashi Gautam whom we owe our ancestry since vedic era.
Being the ruling/ warrior branch of Aadi Gaud shakha of Brahmans who were at the core of Vedic Varna Vyavastha as Dwija and contributed for the establishment of Vedic Dharma as Intellectual ( Tagya / Taga Brahman) as well as Administrator / Warrior ruler ( Chaudhari / Raja) from time of Mahabharat ,Yodheya, Mauryas, Pushya Mitra Shung, Pushyabhuti / Harshvardhan to Raja Harishchandra, the Senapati of Prithvi Raj Chauhan Army in the battle of Panipat and Chaudhari Umrao Singh, Commander of SarvKhap Panchayat Army which defeated Taimur, Lame. We have the distinction of having Pandit Prakshvir Shastri, the great Arya Samaj leader & intellectual as well as Air Chief Marshal SP Tyagi as a symbol of our great contribution and capability in intellectual as well as marshal arenas. Great freedom fighter and defence minister of India Shri Mahavir Tyagi and great hero of 1965 war Major Asha Ram Tyagi,Mahavir Chakra are great examples of our legacy.
We are the Vedic Dwija of mainly Yajurved, Madhyandini shakha having roots in Brahmavart ( Haryana & part of Rajasthan).
त्यागी ब्राह्मण समाज मे समस्त भारत के शासकीय वीर ब्राह्मण समाज समाहित है जिनमे तगा ( तज्ञ / तत्वज्ञानी / विशेषज्ञ ) गौड़, गालव चौधरी, हरियाणा के आदिगौड़, पंजाब हरियाणा दिल्ली के महियाल ( महिहार , महिपति) सारस्वत, भूमिहार ब्राह्मण ( कान्यकुब्ज , सरयूपारी,मैथिली और गौड़ सारस्वत,चितपावन आदि ), गुजरात के अनाविल भट्ट ( देसाई), राजस्थान के पुष्करणा, आंध्र के नियोगी और महाराष्ट्र के चितपावन भट्ट और करहाडे आदि प्रमुख हैं. कुरु राज्य तगा गौड़ ( त्यागी ) ब्राह्मण समाज के स्वामित्व में आदिकाल से रहा हैं जिसमें ये अरण्यक ब्राह्मण, योधेयगण / योधेय भट्ट, तगा भट्ट और त्यागी ब्राह्मण नामों से विभिन्न कालखण्ड में जाने गए.
हरियाणा के भिवानी,सनौली, तिगराणा, बासोडा, पहरावर रोहतक तथा हस्तिनापुर, इंद्रप्रस्थ आदि सभी प्राचीन शक्ति सभ्यता के केंद्र तगा ब्राह्मण संस्कृति के केंद्र हैं जो आज भी पुरातत्व के आधार पर हमारे गौरवशाली अतीत के साक्षी हैं. प्रतिहार साम्राज्य के संस्थापक श्री हरिश्चंद्र पुष्करणा ब्राह्मण के वंशज और सेनापति इसी त्यागी ब्राह्मण समाज के दिल्ली के भारद्वाज तगा कहे गए.